Technology is now integrated into almost every part of our jobs. We use computers, Wi-Fi, email, applications or our smartphones for everything. The thing about technology, though, is that it’s always changing. Software and programs are constantly updating, becoming better versions of themselves. New hardware is constantly outdating older laptop and desktop versions, and new applications are being developed every day.

To help lead employees through changes to the technology they use for work every day — and to empower each team member to succeed — consider these five steps.

1. Give The ‘Why’

No one likes just being told what to do (OK, maybe some people enjoy that, but most employees don’t). Instead of bossing around, try giving the full picture. Explain why the change ahead is important. Explain what exactly the new technology will help with. How will it impact your overall efficiency? How will technology changes affect other parts of the processes?


2. Be Transparent Open communication is everything.

Give your employees an overview of the process and what specific changes will be made. Have a meeting that provides a clear outline of what they can expect. If employees are already feeling anxious or overwhelmed, surprises or unexpected changes will only add to their stress. Be as transparent as possible with your team members throughout the change process.


3. Provide A Timeline

If you have a timeline or road map for the technology changes you’re making, share that with your team. There’s going to be a learning curve for everyone, and it will be steeper for some than for others. As a leader, you can’t expect everyone to learn this new skill or new technology at the same pace. If you are able to, provide time for the new process to be implemented in a transition phase where the old process can still be used if they get stuck.

Etiam rutrum diam mi, eu tempor urna feugiat a. Maecenas luctus sem nec nisl congue, eget finibus justo bibendum. In id commodo enim.
Craig W. Grant

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Curabitur mi ligula, sagittis et metus eu, scelerisque consequat lectus.

Etiam interdum vulputate risus, vitae elementum neque consectetur sed. Donec at risus dui. Ut in suscipit neque. Vestibulum sit amet lobortis magna, commodo venenatis ante. Cras molestie, ex a auctor lacinia, risus est aliquam risus, sit amet semper purus tortor id ante. Donec lacus ipsum, porttitor et libero a, fringilla auctor quam. Sed in nisl id libero tincidunt aliquet. Aenean dui ipsum, auctor ut leo ut, semper dignissim lacus. Suspendisse faucibus viverra consequat. Maecenas efficitur massa vel eros sagittis dapibus. Nam lobortis mi in turpis hendrerit eleifend. Nulla non massa felis.

Donec sit amet dolor ante. Vivamus vel massa accumsan, faucibus quam quis, convallis velit. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer imperdiet diam quis arcu venenatis, quis sagittis nibh rhoncus. Donec non nisi scelerisque, sodales metus quis, accumsan mauris. Curabitur volutpat risus rutrum erat condimentum tristique. Nullam at felis diam. Quisque dictum felis non ante pretium mollis. Aliquam turpis neque, varius nec diam a, aliquam pulvinar diam. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed ipsum libero, aliquet sed bibendum faucibus, semper a dui.